Thanks Jim!

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I like to read and the stick a podcast on the 15 min sleep timer ... works quite well, depending on the whether the guests have mellifluous voices.

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The voice is so important! Dr. Brett Weinstein has one of the most calming voices in my opinion. Did you listen to his interview with Del Bigtree?

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I don’t think so. I prefer the one’s with his wife. But I did make a small donation to his rescue the republic endeavour.

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After being diagnosed with mild sleep apnea, I started using a Cpap machine. A full face mask didn't solve the problem of my lips opening wide enough to breathe through my mouth. Chin straps couldn't solve the problem. Long story short, after switching to nasal pillows and using painter's tape (with limited success), I started using a PAPMD tape made especially for people like me. It works perfectly! https://getpapmd.com/

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Thanks for sharing about this tape. This will help me with my patients who struggle to find the right tape.

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Thank you for posting this Jessica... people need to know these things!

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Thank you Jessica...must say I would never, ever consider taping anyone's mouth shut! Early in my nursing career I nursed a patient whose jaw was wired shut following surgery after a motorbike accident. He was sedated, but none of us were! One of the scariest nights ever!!

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The beauty of taping is that it is easily removed. A mouth wired shut is completely different. As I explain to people considering this as a solution, you can only consider if you're able to breathe through your nose. Then I explain that if the tape is uncomfortable or preventing breathing properly, you will rip the tape off before you even know that you've done it. A sedated patient with a mouth wired shut is in an unfortunate situation that his brain has been put into a depressed state unable to respond to stimuli.

Before taping, a chin strap was the mechanism recommended and that too is not easily removed if breathing is a struggle. Taping seems to be a happy medium of easy removal and effectiveness. The patients who try it return swearing by how the sleep better, they get up less to use the bathroom, they don't have dry mouth and the wake up rested.

Like you, I was skeptical of this practice at first but the feedback from patients has been profound! I have patients who have been taping for years and were able to give advice as to what type of tape to recommend for men with facial hair and those with sensitive skin.

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Delighted to hear that! Thanks for responding elegantly too.

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Thanks for this. Having just spent 5 sessions in the torture chamber, er dental chair, costing thousands, I'd be delighted to sleep better.

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I appreciate the informative article. I note however, that many of these health monitoring devices are wireless. This means they are sending out microwaves to communicate with other devices and microwaves are themselves interfering with our bodily functions, moreso for some than for others. I appreciate the ease of use of a wireless "ring" device, and I know some people who are so immersed in wireless technologies that one more isn't going to change data on how they are functioning, but for those I know who have gotten electromagnetically sensitive, we have no recourse these days... and no safe haven. Even Dr. Mercola these days is saying that the three things that harm us the most are "excess linoleic acid intake, estrogen exposure from sources like microplastics, and electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure", the latter which includes chronic long-term exposure to wireless signals. [ https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/09/22/biohacking-2024.aspx ]

I guess it's a bit like x-rays - you have to weigh the benefits compared to the harm, but without the proper testing being done, you actually don't know how much the wireless "ring" is actually altering the health data it is collecting about you.

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Thank you for sharing this perspective! I feel confident we would not need these sleep tests if we lived more naturally, ate more organically and loved more deeply!

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Thank you so much for highlighting the impact of sleep on our health! Having tried a home sleep test kit that was so difficult and uncomfortable to use, that I had my worst night of sleep in decades and felt like I wasted the money I spent on the kit, I got so excited about there being a non-invasive and easy to use method of home sleep assessment. But then I found that the product's TGA registration had been cancelled by the sponsor, so it's apparently not available in Australia. Soooooo frustrating!

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Interesting 🤔. I find that curious and wonder what went on behind closed doors. I trust the FDA about as far as I can throw them….which is not very far 😂! I would imagine the TGA has a similar reputation. The information gleaned from these reports is so helpful in educating my patients, I hope something similar will be available to you all soon!

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I could not find any information about why the registration was cancelled. It's very odd.

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