Thanks for posting this Jessica... people need to know they have been deceived!

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Everywhere we turn....deception. Putting on the full armor to take our stand!

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Hope we will get better water as a reward

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I will be curious to see how the EPA handles this!

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Sep 25Liked by Jessica Funk

Won't the SCOTUS undo this? It's a win anyway and that's good.

The SCOTUS is corrupted and they are devoting many of their cases to dismantling the EPA.

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It will be interesting to see how this is handled. There are a number of entities and I would think of plethora of lawsuits should this ruling be recognized in the manner that the judge decided.

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The SCOTUS has made sure the gist of their cases would be about the EPA neutering.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Jessica Funk

The TSCA Act is central. USEPA is now required to perform its duty.


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Thank you for this clarification!

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Good work and patient work! Thank you💜

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Sep 26Liked by Jessica Funk

Were damages awarded ? Money talks.

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I don’t believe so but my gut reaction to the ruling is that this opens the doors for lawsuits!

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Lovely photo Jessica. I have not met Michael, but toured Australia with his marvelous parents.

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I would love to meet him as well! His book became my primary reference source for writing on this topic. His path of discovery re: fluoride parallels RFK Jr’s path with vaccines. Neither one set out to discover the harms but found themselves peeling back layer after layer of lies.

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It's an extraordinary moment. I can already guess what the reaction of the public health establishment will be, and I think it will seal their fate in the eyes of the rapidly-growing segment of the population that has lost trust.

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