WE are them👍 We need to get this train back on tracks by insisting what we are seeing is nonsense and insanity and demonstrate what is moral and ethical.
You Do Know, it is a lot to digest, We all must keep climbing the hill, We are All scrambling to "high ground".
Good visability to See the moving parts of the NWO-USSA-NATO-UN-WEFan SS.
and Pre-pare to 1. Survive, and then 2. Win. ........ Time is Now Short, but then, full disclosure, I said the same in 1992, 2000, 2008 and became queasy in 1988 when Bush the Elder proclaimed the NWO publicly.
Ah, when there were sane people walking around!
Where are they now?
WE are them👍 We need to get this train back on tracks by insisting what we are seeing is nonsense and insanity and demonstrate what is moral and ethical.
Agreed! An excellent book that talks to this very point is A Letter to the American Church by Eric Metaxas.
I saw this on Instagram a few days ago. Dr. Rogers was the bomb!
Truly! I grew up watching this man. Little did I know the hero that he was!!
I wonder if this is going to be scrubbed from the internet. Like all the other history they are erasing and changing.
Thank you for your voice. Please share any "individual" links you like from my substack, the More the Merrier!!!
You Do Know, it is a lot to digest, We all must keep climbing the hill, We are All scrambling to "high ground".
Good visability to See the moving parts of the NWO-USSA-NATO-UN-WEFan SS.
and Pre-pare to 1. Survive, and then 2. Win. ........ Time is Now Short, but then, full disclosure, I said the same in 1992, 2000, 2008 and became queasy in 1988 when Bush the Elder proclaimed the NWO publicly.
Feel Free to share "individual" links, I'm just relaying info