What if the correlation between learning/attention/behavior problems and SBD is not only due to causation of the former by SBD, but something that is causing both SBD *and* those other issues?
Agreed! When I see swollen tonsils in my pediatric patients I wonder what impact the 90 vaccines they are scheduled to have (by recommendation from the CDC) has on their developing immune systems.
"According to the CDC over 100k toddlers are being medicated for ADHD." I read a lot of horrifying things (unfortunately) but this is one of the most horrifying statements I've read in quite a while. I'm hesitant to judge parents who are at their wit's end with their child's challenging behaviour, or are put under enormous pressure by teachers or pediatricians to medicate their child, but it just staggers the mind to think that parents would put their kids on powerful stimulant meds at such a young age.
I hope this article saves some of those poor kids from having their brain chemistry messed with.
Agreed! I feel similarly about the adolescent and teens that I serve who are medicated with SSRIs. It breaks my heart that we don’t arm them with the arsenal of knowledge for health, instead we throw a useless pill hoping it will be the magic bullet to cure them…it never is that simple.
Thank you for this! I am grateful for your work and your expertise in the arena of fluoride. My next piece is covering the new research out of the US supporting the NTP monograph’s results of neurotoxicity to the developing brains.
What if the correlation between learning/attention/behavior problems and SBD is not only due to causation of the former by SBD, but something that is causing both SBD *and* those other issues?
Agreed! When I see swollen tonsils in my pediatric patients I wonder what impact the 90 vaccines they are scheduled to have (by recommendation from the CDC) has on their developing immune systems.
"According to the CDC over 100k toddlers are being medicated for ADHD." I read a lot of horrifying things (unfortunately) but this is one of the most horrifying statements I've read in quite a while. I'm hesitant to judge parents who are at their wit's end with their child's challenging behaviour, or are put under enormous pressure by teachers or pediatricians to medicate their child, but it just staggers the mind to think that parents would put their kids on powerful stimulant meds at such a young age.
I hope this article saves some of those poor kids from having their brain chemistry messed with.
Agreed! I feel similarly about the adolescent and teens that I serve who are medicated with SSRIs. It breaks my heart that we don’t arm them with the arsenal of knowledge for health, instead we throw a useless pill hoping it will be the magic bullet to cure them…it never is that simple.
Hi Jessica, just included your lovely article as a reference
Thank you for this! I am grateful for your work and your expertise in the arena of fluoride. My next piece is covering the new research out of the US supporting the NTP monograph’s results of neurotoxicity to the developing brains.
Very informative and well done... thanks for posting it!
Thank you! And I love your book....just about to finish it!
I'm looking forward to seeing it!