Warning: this post contains a graphic image!!
Some time last year, I was speaking with a Catholic friend who values the ProChoice stance. As someone who stood on the fence of this issue for many years, I felt I had a good chance of convincing her that abortion is the loss of a human child, a perfect child that God created, whose life has both value and meaning. The context of the conversation was not winning her over as she kept going back to her firm belief that women should have the ‘right’ to do with their bodies what they wish. Even posing the question, ‘What about the baby’s right to make a choice for his/her body?’ didn’t move the needle on her firm belief that a mother has a right to take her child’s life so long as it is in the womb.
Where I ‘stumped’ her or at least rather abruptly ended the conversation, was when I got to the truth of what abortion is…the dismembering of a human body in a horrible and satanic way. I described this and then asked, ‘is God OK with this?’. She got mad at me and would not longer engage in conversation.
Apparently this tactic is useful and was recently portrayed in photos on the floor of the Montana Senate during hearings on a series of pro-life bills:
Outraged Montana Senate Democrats walked out of a committee hearing Tuesday because they did not want to hear how abortions brutally kill unborn babies.
According to Montana Public Radio, the Democrat lawmakers objected to what they claimed was “unnecessarily graphic and inflammatory” language about abortions.
The state Senate has been holding hearings on a series of pro-life bills this week, including state House Bill 721. The pro-life legislation would ban dismemberment abortions that kill nearly fully-formed second-trimester unborn babies by pulling them apart limb from limb while their heart is still beating and then removing their body in pieces from the womb.
State Sen. Jen Gross, D-Billings, became angry during the state Senate Judiciary hearing when pro-lifers used the word “barbaric” to describe these abortion procedures, according to the report. She also grew upset when another lawmaker linked abortion to satanism.
The truth hurts…doesn’t it!
According to the report:
[A]fter a senator asked about the relationship between abortion and satanism, Gross argued with the committee’s chair, Republican Sen. Keith Reiger from Kalispell, about that line of questioning being allowed.
“I don’t understand how satanism is relevant to this bill or this discussion today,” Gross said.
In response, Reiger said, “Let’s find out.”
Gross then left the committee and her Democratic colleagues followed her out.
One more warning…graphic image and what was shown the the Democrats who walked out of their Senate hearing.
Montana had 1675 abortions in 2020, according to their Department of Public Health. One thousand, six hundred and seventy five babies that never got to see their mothers, never got to be held and hugged, never had the chance to throw a baseball or take a curtsy at the end of a ballet routine. As we mourn the loss of life in Nashville last week and Democrats use it as a tool to limit our access to defend our families, may we also remember in prayer all the children who never got to go to school, carry a backpack or play on the playground.
A friend of my moms has an animal rescue for birds, squirrels, you name it. This lady is in tears when a hurt animal comes to her place. But abortion? Very vocal about how that is okay. How true the Bible is with 2 Timothy 3:1-5
Sounds familiar... We went to a hearing at the New Mexico State House of Representatives in 2019. While the pro-life witnesses were testifying, the committee members ignored them 100% and stuck their noses in their phone and laptops... especially when a doctor was describing the actual abortion proceedure. They held the hearing on a Sunday morning because they though we "church people" wouldn't come. We came in droves and filled the place. We lost and they passed the bill. Today New Mexico remains one of the most heinous pro-abortion states in the union. BTW they had tons of armed security there.