I grew up in a small town in northeastern Pennsylvania. I am the daughter of a well loved dentist of this town, a town that believed water fluoridation was a Communist plot against American citizens. I had an early introduction into the conspiracy theories behind this monumental public health measure. Unfortunately, other than thinking anti-fluoride people were tin-foil hat wearing, I never investigated the idea that fluoride was anything other than beneficial to prevent cavities.
Fast forward several decades and we see the greatest effort on the behest of governments worldwide to censor speech, to obfuscate critical health information and to suppress scientific research in an effort to control populations….all thanks to a novel virus. Many of us woke up during this period and it was this awakening that in part turned my interests to investigate the history of water fluoridation. From my research, it seems probable that the damage from fluoride overexposure could be likened to the broad health implications from the novel mRNA injections forced on the population.
Fluoride has vast reaching implications to organs and tissues of the human body. This is well know from studies done over the last 70 years. The thyroid gland, the bones, the pineal gland, the joints, the kidneys, the eyes, the brain and the gut biome have all been recognized in the broad reaching damage from this toxin. When the recent lawsuit was brought against the EPA, the plaintiffs had to narrow the window of harm to NOT make the case overwhelming to the courts for fear of being dismissed. Neurotoxicity is one of the better understood and studied elements of harm and the one wielded against the most innocent amongst us: the unborn, infants, toddlers and young children.
The story behind fluoride is a prime example of scientists being rewarded for towing the line of the accepted narrative. Those who dared speak against the practice were punished in a similar fashion as we witnessed with medical dissidents over the past four years of COVID. This Substack is going to focus on one small puzzle piece of the dark and twisted history. The heart of this story plays out in the 1940s, WWII is in full force and the Manhattan Project is secretly working towards the development of the atomic bomb. Most of the facts for this piece are from Chapter 6 in Christopher Bryson’s book:
The Fluoride Deception
“For half a century assurances from the Public Health Service that water fluoridation is safe have rested on the results of the 1945 Newburgh-Kingston Fluorine-Caries Trail, in which the health of children from the fluoridated town of Newburgh, NY were compared for ten years with children from neighboring nonfluoridated Kingston. But recently declassified documents link the wartime Public Health Service’s interest in fluoride to the Manhattan Project. And a trail of papers showing how bomb-program scientist from the University of Rochester secretly monitored the Newburgh experiment, studying biological samples from local citizens…”
Christopher Bryson
Father of Fluoridation
At the turn of the 20th century, dentists discovered that some water sources contained natural levels of fluoride that impacted both the form and function of the dentition. What distinguished the individuals living in these pockets of the United States was a browning of their teeth. The staining eventually earned the title, Colorado Brown Stain, due to the primary research being conducted in Colorado Springs, CO. Aside from the ugly staining of teeth, dental researchers at the time determined that these children were more resistant to tooth decay than their counterparts from regions where water was free of fluoride. What was poorly understood due to restrictions in methods of measurement, was how much fluoride was in the water that caused both harm and benefit.
Fast forward a couple of decades and we now had the tools to evaluate water contaminates. Dr. H. Trendly Dean was selected as a dental researcher for the NIDR (National Institute for Dental Research), an umbrella of the Public Health Service, to study these water sources. Part of his research was to determine at what level fluoride existed in the water and what level would allow for dental benefit without the ugly staining of tooth structure. Dr. Dean’s research of naturally fluoridated communities led him to also understand some of the health implications of ingested fluoride. At levels much higher than we currently fluoridate (8.0ppm vs 0.7ppm) he witnessed bone changes and cataracts in residents of the towns. Since the kidneys filter fluoride, he was especially concerned about the impact of accumulation in tissues with poorly functioning kidneys (something more common in older individuals). He wanted time to study long term impact of not just children but older adults to see how lower levels impacted human health.
Chief Toxicologist Manhattan Project
One might wonder how the Manhattan Project is connected with water fluoridation. Fluoride is used to smelt key metals such as aluminum, steel and beryllium. It is also used to enrich uranium, a key component in the fabrication of the atomic bomb. Fluoride’s ugly history has effectively been erased from public attention. Very few are aware of the biggest single legal worry facing the atomic-bomb program following WWII….fluoride pollution. Fluoride was blamed for more damage claims against industry than all other major pollutants combined. Like other propaganda campaigns of our history, fluoride needed a make-over. Instead of being seen as a dangerous pollutant, it was rebranded into the savior of teeth.
Simultaneous to our governments increased need for fluoride to smelt metals needed for wartime industrial requirements and to enrich uranium for the development of the atomic bomb, research was beginning to establish the benefit of adding fluoride to public water sources. In the spring of 1945, the city of Newburgh, NY became the second place in the US to artificially add fluoride to its public water in an effort to study the impact on children over the next 10 years. The data collected would be compared to the children of the neighboring fluoride-free town, Kingston.
Dr. Harold Hodge was a pharmacologist from the University of Rochester and the chief toxicologist for the Manhattan Project. He was selected to be the chairman of the Technical Advisory Committee for the NY Health Department overseeing the Newburgh-Kingston Fluorine Caries Trial. This gave Dr. Hodge a unique opportunity to study the urine and blood samples collected from the children. His classified work with the samples collected, were held confidential under “Program F” at the University of Rochester. Blood, urine and tissues samples from the children became key information sought by the atomic bomb program.
The final report of the Newburgh-Kingston Fluorine Trial were published in 1946 in the Journal of the American Dental Association. The conclusion was that small amounts of fluoride were safe for US Citizens. A convenient acknowledgement of safety was helpful to the nuclear weapons industry. Workers alleging harmful exposure would now find it more difficult to sue the government or its industrial contractors. The latter now had the evidence that any claims against fluoride was of no consequence.
Secret Archives Reveal
A 1994 Presidential Commission to investigate human radiation experiments led to the release of certain records from the Manhattan Project. The Commission was primarily focused on the intentional exposure of plutonium and uranium by way of injection in hospital based settings on patients with no informed consent. The experiments were under the supervision of Dr. Harold Hodge.
Through the release of these secret archives, a file coded as ‘G-10’ by the US Army revealed secret comments from the top fluoride scientist of the US Public Health Service, Dr. H. Trendley Dean. On April 24, 1944 at an Advisory Committee planning meeting for the Newburgh Fluoridation Trial, Dr. Dean voiced opposition to the Newburgh fluoridation experiment due to concerns of fluoride toxicity. This admission on the part of Dr. Dean had the potential to destroy the water-fluoridation program by way of frightening those participating in the program and alerting nuclear workers to the dangers of handling fluorides.
Dr. Dean’s recorded statements were focused on the toxic effects that he had witnessed in parts of the country with high levels of groundwater fluoride. He felt he needed more time to study lower concentrations to see when the effects disappear. He was especially worried about older individual with kidney dysfunction. One of the unanswered questions from this meeting was what to look for as early indication of fluoride intoxication.
Dr. Hodge was able to obfuscate these concerns and when the Advisory Committee voted later that same afternoon on whether to proceed with the experiment, Dr. Dean was the ONLY dissenting voice. The Newburgh-Kingston experiment would proceed!
Surprisingly, a few short months later, Dr. Dean had a change of scientific opinion…he now was in full support of the water fluoridation program. No evidence of why this change exists but the years that follow may give some indication. He was assigned as lead investigator of the water fluoridation program in Grand Rapids, Michigan which began in January 1945. He was then appointed the role as the first director of the National Institute of Dental Research and in 1953 he took a senior position with American Dental Association.
Newburgh Trial Participant
One of the little girls to participate in the 1945 Newburgh Fluoride trial was Audrey Carey. She’s the daughter of the town’s second African American police officer. Being from a blue color family, her parents were grateful for the free health check-ups monthly that occurred during the 10 year trial.
A lifelong resident of Newburgh, Carey went on to be elected the first black female mayor of New York. Ms. Cary was appalled when she found out that the atomic weapons establishment was secretly monitoring and studying her fellow citizens during the cold war.
“It is reprehensible ; it is shocking; it reminds me of the experiments that were done regarding syphilis down in Alabama.”
It's depressing to realise that so many scientists are perfectly willing to sell out fellow citizens - including children - for their proverbial pieces of silver.
I appreciate your posts. I retired after 45 years as an RDH last year. The last 10-12 years, since fluoride varnish became the norm, the pressure to have any adult patients get fluoride varnish (whether they had caries or not) was uncomfortable.